I know this is supposed to be about Ryan running, but hearing Daniels talk about upward mobility and the middle class - something the other candidates don't do - makes me miss him as a potential candidate.
Daniels followed the speech with an interview with Nick Schulz of AEI and editor of The American, which is worth the watch. The interview is the 2nd video below.
When asked why he chooses "a man's man" kind of political hero, Daniels asks back, Who would have a weenie as a hero? He says that he surprised himself by running for Governor. Let's hope he surprises himself by running for President. The man is definitely not a weenie. In this interview, he says the wheels are wobbly on the American economy but not coming off just yet. Our situation is fixable. Listen as Daniels talks about China, Europe, and what's at stake for the American economy.
Daniels says "we've never been as broke" as we are now, we've never been in this situation. That's the context for his truce comments - we need all hands on deck, essentially, to right the ship, or all of our other arguments will be moot points anyway.