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Its just a shame he didn't show as much compassion for his wife when she had cancer and he decided to have an affair and divorce her.

Sally Roberts

I think I feel a bit sick.


Pass the sickbag as, like Sally, I need to vomit. Verma highlights The Grinch's real character. The little Newt is unfit for any public office and would be slaughtered by Obama.

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I am very interested in this sphere and reading this post I have known many new things, which I have not known before. Thanks for publishing this great article here.

Kristen Bell

Pass the sickbag as, like Sally, I need to vomit. Verma highlights The Grinch's real character. The little Newt is unfit for any public office and would be slaughtered by Obama.

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Pass the sickbag as, like Sally, I need to vomit. Verma highlights The Grinch's real character. The little Newt is unfit for any public office and would be slaughtered by Obama.

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I am very interested in this sphere and reading this post I have known many new things, which I have not known before. Thanks for publishing this great article here.

Xtreme No

Its such sickbag as, like Sally, I need to vomit. Verma highlights The Grinch's real character.

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