« "I can't imagine a future for the United States with enough electricity to run the country without nuclear power": Senator Lamar Alexander discusses his support for nuclear power amid the current energy debate in response to recent events in Japan | Main | House Majority Leader Eric Cantor discusses the GOP's plans for job creation: "We want to go back to this notion in America, if you decide you want to suceed, work hard, and you want to play by the rules, you should be able to get ahead" »



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Stacey Johnston

If they say a much need goal is to help get people out of poverty and off of welfare, then I can't say I disagree with Republicans on that stance. However, as wonderful and reasonable as that sounds, I don't understand why, the very same Republicans who say these things, are responsible for the cuts in funding for vital resources such as MichiganWorks! - organizations that help people get jobs. Perhaps if their actions did not contradict their words, I would feel a little more inclined to believe them. Until then, I fully support the Democratic party.

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