Ryan Streeter
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The enthusiasm with which voters have welcomed Rick Perry into the 2012 presidential field has confirmed what polls were showing: people have not been satisfied with the field.
In the past two days this has renewed interest in whether additional new faces – Chris Christie, Sarah Palin, and Paul Ryan – would enter as well.
Speculation about Ryan’s possible entrance into the field has been especially intense. Karl Rove raised the Ryan possibility again on Hannity on Monday, and then Steve Hayes reported new evidence on Tuesday that Ryan was giving it serious thought. Hayes followed up yesterday with another report on how big names in the GOP have been encouraging Ryan to run. Others have also covered the renewed interest in a Ryan bid for the White House.
We asked some of the readers who signed our petition to draft Ryan to tell us why they think he should run. Here is a sampling of the response so far. We will update this as more come in.
Paul Ryan would make an excellent president because he is extremely conversant with the issues and can go "toe to toe" with Obama. In my opinion, he is the one candidate that Obama most fears. Given other election cycles, Paul Ryan might not be the ideal candidate but for this one with the future of our country as we know it at stake, he is the standout choice. This is a moment where destiny is calling his name.
Pam - Tampa, FL
Paul Ryan is the anti Obama. Between the two, he will always come across as the real adult in the room. He seems genuine and sincere in his desire to restore this country's fiscal standing. He is gifted with an ability to explain complicated economic principles to the most mundane of us...Making a believer of this former Democrat.
Maria - New York, NY
This is Paul Ryan's time. Not only he could crush Obama on any budget discussions, he is one of few people who is able to articulately describe the conservative vision for America. I'd fully support him if he gets in. Right now, I don't have a preferred candidate.
Robert - St. Johns, FL
Paul Ryan has the pulse of the financial problems of America. As President he would have the opportunity to speak to the American people and share his vision to save this country from the thieves in the White House. We need his expertise on the problems and his knowledge and the ability to speak to the U.S. to offer the solutions we need.
Harry - Mansfield, TX
Dear Congressman Ryan:
We feel that you are our ONE HOPE for America. We need someone with your business and economic savvy who is honest and forthright. My husband and I are Navy Veterans and, between us, we served our country for 25 years. We would be PROUD to call you "Commander In Chief". From our children to our seniors to our rich and our poor - this country needs you! Please reconsider running for President in 2012!
Steve & Erin - Lake Geneva, WI
Mr. Ryan, you are the anti-Obama. You are someone we can believe in, someone with the integrity, knowledge, and facts to win the confidence of the American people. Most of all, I look forward to seeing you in a debate with President Obama. He will not know what hit him. I look forward to supporting your campaign.
Michelle - McLean, VA
This is truly an incredibly important moment given how much the United States' future rests on whether we can reform entitlements, get our National Debt under control, and save our economy. I see no other member of Congress so willing to be a courageous leader and offer an actual plan to help save our country. Please run for President, Representative Ryan.
Ian - Millis, MA
The country needs you now or we are heading to a disaster. You have the tools to do it. Run Paul Run.
Dear Congressman Ryan, "He who dares, wins" is the motto of the British Special Forces. I beg of you to run for President; the country needs you now--we cannot survive another 4 years of Obama.
Michelle - Arlington, VA
The economic crisis is the issue of our time - the issue of our generation - and Paul Ryan is more knowledgeable about the causes and the path forward than anyone. Republican or Democrat. He can stand up to Obama and outdebate him. He's done it before. He's in Obama's head. He can win!
Albert - Boulder, CO
I strongly urge you to enter the 2012 Republican Presidential contest. You have the ability to focus the primary selection process on fiscal/entitlement reform and the stark choice the American public has in regards to the type of country the next generation will inherit. Even if you were not to succeed in obtaining the nomination, you would have done the party and country a HUGE service by forcing the candidates to take a stand on specific reforms.
Kris - St Louis, MO
The main reason I would encourage Paul Ryan to consider a run for president is that there is no one else trying to articulate his budget plan. As far as I am concerned, it is the number one problem of t his nation. If we do not solve this one, none of the others even matter. I had hoped that one of the so-called conservatives running would have asked for Paul's help with this. It may be he is the only one who can sell this plan and give us a chance for the up or down vote in 2012 on saving this great nation of ours from oblivion!
Joanne - Hartland, WI
Paul Ryan should run because he may be our last chance to save the country. I’ll take Paul over any candidate in the race or likely to be in the race. RUN, PAUL, RUN!
David - Madison, AL
Mr. Ryan - Thank you for your efforts and hard work in the Congress to date. However, I firmly believe you have a greater calling, not Representative Ryan, but instead, President Ryan. You are the lone voice in the wilderness crying out with common sense choices, some difficult to make, but the right ones to lead our nation back to the road of true fiscal health and prosperity.
Kim - Plano, TX
Dear Congressman Ryan,
As you have heard repeatedly, there are times when one is called to duty, a la George Washington. I don't blame you for hesitating, but I have felt for the past year that this is your time. We need you. If you decide to run for president, the country is waiting for you! It is a huge sacrifice to ask of you and your family but the U.S. is on the brink of economic and cultural catastrophe and you are the man who can bring us back. Thank you for all the work you have done on the budget and thank you for considering a presidential run. You have my vote!
Maggie - Portland, OR
Paul Ryan is the man with the plan. He had the perspicacity to recognize our nation’s looming economic peril and drafted a written, SPECIFIC plan to reform entitlements and the tax code, to begin to pay down the deficit, and get this nation back on track to prosperity while protecting the national safety net for future generations. In the face of strong criticism, his courage and determination changed the national dialogue from whether we needed more stimulus spending, to HOW MUCH to cut, WHERE to make those cuts, and WHY they are vital to our nation's future.
Merrina - Broken Arrow, OK
Congressman Ryan,
America faces a choice: bureaucracy, out-of-control spending, and decline, or freedom, growth, and renewal. Only one person can effectively challenge Obama on a vision for the future of our country, and that person is you. The time is now for you to continue the fight you've begun in the House and run for President.
Alex - West Des Moines, IA
I believe Paul Ryan is capable of going head-to-head in a debate with Pres. Obama. He can pick Obama apart on fiscal policy and embarrass the Obama for his financial irresponsibility. I pray he will have the courage to want to do this for America!
I can see every personal reason (family; friendships; grueling schedule; the horrendous libels and invective to be hurled at you, nonstop) why you wouldn’t run. But, know this: If you don’t run - we are guaranteed another four years of Barrack Obama.
Kurt - Scottsdale, AZ
Congressman Ryan,
The country needs you to run for President. Nobody ties together the different strands of our coalition like you. Nobody in either party has your command of the central issues of our day. No one can match your informed, articulate, and honest performance in debate, in interviews, and in communication with people at all levels. You are the man of the hour - and the hour is late. If you call for our support, it will be there.
Scott - Los Angeles, CA
If there were ever a time where an American was called to serve his country, that time is now. America needs Paul Ryan. Paul can articulate the solutions to our nations fiscal problems like no other. The contrast between his Plan for Prosperity and the Obama agenda are dramatic, and Americans deserve to hear these issues debated between Congressman Ryan and the president.
Chris - Benton Harbor, MI
Paul Ryan has a unique ability to educate our citizens about the nature and scope of our economic challenges; equally importantly, he successfully advocates a positive message of growth and opportunity as the solution to those challenges. And I do mean "unique" - no other political leader, including any of the declared or undeclared candidates, does it nearly as well.
Ned - Norfolk VA
When I saw Paul Ryan address President Obama at the Blair House health care summit, I thought, "Ryan should be president." I think so even more today. Ryan delivers straight talk on the economy as no else can, with total mastery of details, plain language, and an unflappable, appealing demeanor. Plus, he's strong on national security issues, unlike some GOP contenders. We NEED Paul Ryan to make the sacrifice. The fact that he is reluctant proves his merit further. Now is his time!
Molly - Brooklyn, NY
#1 Paul Ryan knows the budget & scale of our fiscal crisis better than anyone.
#2 Our Republic as we have known it is what is at stake in this election.
#3 Pres. Obama will not be able to debate facts & figures vs. Paul Ryan & win ANY fiscal argument.
J. - Fort Smith, AR
As a independent financial advisor in the suburbs of Atlanta, Paul Ryan appears to be the best hope we have of defeating President Obama. None of the other Republican Presidential candidates have demonstrated the ability to articulate a coherent vision for the future which provides for free enterprise and the continuation of the American dream. My hope is that this brief email will encourage him to run. As of now, none of the candidates could persuade me to vote in the Presidential race. The rest of the ballot would be marked, but that one would be left blank.
Marc - Dunwoody, GA
I have seen politicians with terrific political skills, with a selfless dedication to their constituents and their country, with first rate communication skills, with an incorruptible sense of duty, and with amazing intellect and agility of mind. But I never saw all that in one person until I saw and heard Paul Ryan. These times are so challenging, so dangerous, so inauspicious yet so propitious. These exceptional times need our most exceptional leader, Paul Ryan.
Donald - Oakland, CA
Ryan is the right leader at the right time. History is calling him. Literally. He is the ONLY Republican able to articulate the two competing visions of America that 2012 is about. I honor his family priorities but his country needs him. Please, please run.
Dear Congressman Ryan,
In it's short history, this country has been blessed by Providence with men who have answered His call to establish and sustain America as a beacon of liberty shining the light of freedom, prosperity, hope, and faith around the globe and across the centuries. Mr. Ryan the moment has been thrust upon you and the post in which you can render your services most effectively is President of the United States, not as chair of the budget committee. Please, answer the call of Providence and pull us back from this abyss and reignite the beacon of liberty that is the United States of America.
Heather - Chino Hills, CA
It's gotta happen! We need someone to articulate the conservative vision that will save our country. Mr. Ryan has already done that to a great extent. It's time to put his ideas and abilities into the executive.
Jeff - Ft. Worth, TX