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November 17, 2011


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Amber Astron Christo

Throughout the Western economies we have a crisis of leadership. We are seeing economic power surge to the 'developing' economies of China, Brazil and India.Economists and politicians have no a clue what to do about it, and they frantically apply strategies or argue based on 'old rule economics' which do not fit the current crisis.
We need a reconfigured capitalism, to remove the current madness: where jobs are going from the West to the East, only because goods are being made cheaply there, due to the appalling conditions their workers endure. These conditions would in previous years never have been tolerated in the West, but the West is happily buying these products, and now even suggesting our workers should return to these Victorian era conditions as well.
We need an 'ethical framework' around which Companies function. The sole crieria for success can no longer be maximum profit no matter what the cost. We can no longer justify creating 'false markets' for superfluous tat. All Companies should have a mission statement of ethical working saying how they will function in terms of products/manufacturing/marketing which should be open for public viewing. Then we could create sustainable companies which people would want to work with, and it would create a more even balance between countries as the people can choose whether or not to buy from companies with a greater ethical edge.
Job creation is essential in the current economic climate and monies should be prioritised for small business development linking older unemployed,but experienced, workers, with younger people with complimentary/different skill sets.
We should not let politicians take us into a post-democratic era of control through impoverishment, which is what is currently happening.

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