Natalie Gonnella
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While it didn't exactly exceed expectations, the latest debate from the GOP presidential field certainly proved to be entertaining as candidates quickly sharpened their claws ahead of this weekend's straw poll in Iowa.
With scrappy sparring in high supply last night, here's a look at what a number of conservative's have said about the latest event in the race for the Republican nomination:
Ryan Streeter, ConservativeHome:
The debate showed a primary field that has decided to dispense with being nice to each other. The sparring on the stage was not only entertaining, but at times revealed differences in policy and worldview among candidates...The main show was Romney winning, Pawlenty continuing to struggle, and Perry waiting in the wings.
Tevi Troy, NRO's The Corner:
Overall, the candidates need to keep their eyes on the prize. Obama remains the issue, and after the terrible month he has had, it is more important than ever to make sure that his 2012 opponent is someone who can take tough shots and keep on coming. Last night’s debate put the candidates to the test in that regard.
Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary:
If he was watching, Perry had to be grateful to Pawlenty and the other candidates, such as Santorum and Huntsman who pointed out Bachmann’s shortcomings. He comes in just at the right moment as her summer surges starts to loose its steam. His goal will be to directly challenge Romney and to make it a choice between the two as the only plausible candidates. Though the passion of her supporters may keep Bachmann in the first tier for now, Perry is now in good position to jump in ahead of her.
Erick Erickson, Red State:
Last night in Iowa, the Republicans debated. It was like the Island of Misfit Toys. Mitt Romney won the debate if only because Ames is apparently not big enough for two Minnesotans. The barbs between Bachmann and Pawlenty did them no favors. Ron Paul embarrassed himself without even knowing it. The debate was a spectacle to behold.
Michael Barone, Washington Examiner
There's a serious case to be made that Pawlenty is the strongest general election candidate among those competing in the straw poll Saturday. But whether his generally strong and sometimes impassioned performance is enough to get straw poll voters to focus on that is unclear.
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