Ryan Streeter
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Readers have kept up the Paul Ryan 2012 drumbeat. Yesterday morning, after asking them why they thought Paul Ryan should run for President, we published a collection of the reasons they gave, followed by an additional installment as more continued to write in.
Late into last night, they continued to send in their thoughts on why they think Ryan should run. Here’s the third and final collection of readers' reasons why, in the words of one of them who says he hasn't voted in 24 years, Ryan represents the kind of "hope and change we can believe in."
Dear Congressman Ryan: I strongly encourage you to run for President. You have been our family’s choice from the beginning. You have all the qualities and experience and expertise our country needs right now. You are the right one to articulate to the American people what needs to be done to reverse course for our country and create economic prosperity once again. You are the one to make the clear choice between the failed policies of Obama and the conservative policies of a Ryan administration. You inspire us all with your passion and patriotism and love for our country. We support you!
Alice - San Antonio, TX
He has a plan. He is likable. He is not afraid to debate the opposition. He is intelligent in a practical way (unlike the president's "brilliant" empty transcripts). He is a good campaigner and will not make as many gaffes. He will unite the party better than many of the others. His record in congress is far superior to that of Barry's. He will be looked upon by donors as a serious candidate. He will attract independents.
Rep. Ryan: Please run for President - you are able to articulate what needs to be done very capably. You also know how to do it without demonizing or alienating the people we need to get on our side. Your country needs you badly right now.
Paul Ryan is one of the few people in Washington who knows what fiscal responsibility is. Our country needs a leader who can shift the focus of this great nation away from entitlement spending and class warfare; setting the goal back towards job creation. As valuable as Congressman Ryan is in crafting sound economic legislation, his expertise is now needed at an executive level.
Scott - Salt Lake City, UT
I have not heard anyone besides Paul Ryan articulate how imperative it is that our leaders deal with the coming insolvency of our great country. I have 4 kids and hate to think of the legacy that has been set in place for them.
Our country cannot survive another four years of big government spending and intrusion into the economy. Paul Ryan is the person best able to articulate clearly and succinctly the arguments for limited government. We need you, Representative Ryan to run - please.
Sherry - St. Petersburg, FL
There is no one better than Paul Ryan to make the argument for reduced government spending and putting our nation's finances on a sustainable path. No one.
Bill - Chicago, IL
Young, intelligent, family oriented, values based, excellent debater, most knowledgeable person in Washington on our biggest problem – deficit spending, able to explain ideas to all voters, willing to take on tough issues, concerned about First Principles.
Ken - Pacific Palisades, CA
Congressman Ryan: I strongly urge you to run for President in 2012. No other current GOP candidate, in my opinion, has a coherent plan to get Washington's fiscal house in order. You alone have studied the problems and most importantly, display the necessary will to put us back on a path to prosperity for future generations. God speed!
Nancy - Niles, IL
Please run for President, Congressman Ryan! We need someone knowledgeable and persuasive to make the case for fiscal sanity. The other Republican candidates are good but not great--you would be great! The country needs you!
Lynn - Waco, TX
We need someone who is willing to make the case for meaningful entitlement reform and fiscal responsibility. Please consider running for President.
Laura - Hillsdale, MI
The shared sacrifice of American Decline is over, the path to prosperity, opportunity, liberty, respect, responsibility and belief in Individual Americans, financial responsibility to our children and ourselves, and the relighting of the Beacon of Freedom to the World held by America's principled strength and spirit renews with Paul Ryan's first step to the Presidency.
Gregg - Santa Fe, NM
My first daughter was born on 15 August. You are one of the only people who really understands the dangers to the fiscal stability and opportunity of our children. You may not want to run, for family reasons or because you think you can't, but you have displayed yourself to be better, more principled, and more articulate than the rest of the available candidates.
Craig - Adelphi, MD
Dear Paul: As a new supporter, I am urging you to run as the GOP candidate for President in the 2012 election. I am a WW2 veteran and have voted (GOP) in many elections but have yet to witness a person with the capabilities that you have so ably demonstrated. Our country's future is really at stake and you are the person to turn it around.
Bill - Santa Rosa, CA
Our economy is in dire straits, President Obama has no clue what he is doing, and Paul Ryan is the man with the plan. We need a President that is willing to seriously overhaul our system of extreme government manipulation of the economy through entitlement reform, tax reform, and sound money. End the Fed, and Paul Ryan for President in 2012!
Steve - Brooklyn, NY
Congressman Ryan should run because he has the best plan for fixing the entitlement spending that is sending us over the cliff. He is a responsible and honest man who truly understands the issues facing us. We need his leadership now more than ever.
Dan - St. Louis, MO
My husband and I wrote several months ago urging Paul Ryan to run for President. We feel he is the right man for our country at this time. He seems to be the only qualified person to take on Obama. For some reason, Obama has a stronghold on our Nation. Paul Ryan seems to be the only person qualified to wake the sleeping giants-the people. PLEASE Congressman Ryan, run for President!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kristine & Bradley - Woodinville, WA
Dear Congressman Ryan: I truly believe your vision is ideally suited to lead our country on a better course.. As President Truman once said, "Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better."
Dr.Sam - Virginia
I strongly support Paul Ryan for President, and Marco Rubio for Vice President. My support for both men is based on my belief that they are both articulate and passionate about the perilous state of our beloved country. They will be able to debate the issues with truth and strength.
Sally - Cathedral City, CA
Dear Congressman Ryan: Your boldness, honesty, intregrity, and exceptional understanding of the budget details and programs make you qualified to undertake and complete the difficult finanical and economic issues the USA is facing. As President, I am confident you would rekindle Americans to dedicate themselves to making Amerca great again. Please run for President. American yearns for a fresh candidate who is capable of resolving the issues we face.
Mr. Ryan should run for President because he is the most articulate and effective national voice for limited government since Ronald Reagan. He can articulate not only the strategy and tactics to limit government power and spending, but why it is important. I believe Congressman Ryan represents conservatives' best opportunity to build a majority electorate and governing consensus to achieve limited government and restore public confidence.
Michael - Memphis, TN
Dear Rep. Ryan: Yes, there are some pretty good conservatives already in the field, but your command of economic issues and your ability to communicate about them are simply superior. You've spent a lot of years doing the homework others haven't cared to, and now you are the person best prepared to stand at the debate podium opposite Mr. Obama, and make clear to the American people why our spending, deficits and taxation are ruinous. I've never given a penny to a political campaign, but I owe it to my children to start with you, and will gladly skip my summer vacation for a year to make a meaningful contribution to your campaign.
Eric - Ruidoso, NM
Paul Ryan should run for president because we need him to. America needs a leader willing to put his ideas on the table, and willing to reconsider them if need be. He has continually offered precise plans to restore our long term financial outlook. I'm very interested to hear his thoughts on the deteriorating global condition and where he thinks we need to be.
John - Liverpool, NY
It has been nearly 24 years since I was able to cast a vote for the presidency with any degree of enthusiasm and conviction. Not since Ronald Reagan have I been able to vote with confidence that we were electing a man who represented our conservative beliefs and values. I am hoping Representative Ryan will run to enable Americans like me to once again cast our ballots with pride as he represents the hope and change we believe in.
Rep. Ryan has a good handle on how to solve a number of America's ills. There hasn't been a Presidential candidate who's expressed such a clear vision for correcting a number of problems that makes as much sense as Ryan's plan since Ronald Reagan ran for office. Ryan would represent such a stunning example of [how] genuine poise and talent and smarts [can come] together to form a "roadmap" for America, which would contrast so favorably with Barak Obama's un-teleprompted verbal fumblings and old-school failed socialism. [He would make ]the current President’s success at reelection to be virtually inconceivable.
Anthony - Wakefield, MA
Paul Ryan: I hope you decide to run for President. You are the only one who seems willing and able to talk about the entitlement programs and put forward real ideas for fixing them. This is the most important issue of our day and we need someone who can help get some real change so we can have a smaller government or at least a government that spends our money more responsibly. This country needs a leader who can change the attitude from "what can the government give me" to "I'm am American and I can make it on my own!"
Suzanne - Portland, OR
Our country is in crisis, and we need an intelligent, common-sense, courageous leader. I understand that your budget committee work is tremendously important, but you can do even more for our country as President.
Judy - Vienna, VA
Rep. Ryan: Please run for President - you are able to articulate what needs to be done very capably.
You also know how to do it without demonizing or alienating the people we need to get on our side. Your country needs you badly right now.
David - Orange, CA
Yes !!! Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio would be a winning team. We must have change and give honor back to this country.
Posted by: Pauline Meaut | August 19, 2011 at 10:57 AM
I guess it doesn't matter that he voted for the (unfunded) Medicare Part D, or to increase the home loan guarantees that put the nation and taxpayer at increased risk, or to deficit spend for 2 wars, or for big government policies such as No Child Left Behind, or for the bailouts and economic stimulus programs. All of these expenditures were financed with deficit spending that ballooned the national debt to nearly $11 trillion, so I guess you all believe that he's "seen the light" now. Which Paul Ryan would we get? Actually, on reflection, maybe you should keep pushing for him to enter the race - I think Obama and the democrats would relish the opportunity to force him to defend his bloated deficit-spending voting record.
Rick in Rapid City
Posted by: Rick Crimone | August 19, 2011 at 10:57 AM
I really like Mr Ryan. He could be a great vice-president candidate. Right now he has no greater executive experience than Mr Obama had when he was elected. We do not need anymore "on the job training candidates". The point has been proven most decidedly that the President of the United States needs executive experience. Let's not set this good man up for failure.
Posted by: Connie | August 19, 2011 at 11:03 AM
Dear Mr. Ryan,
When yours is the one voice rising out of the din offering direction, a solution and dare I say, hope, I believe there is a reason. All is in God's time, and he has given you that voice. Both He and you have a plan that needs be embraced... the time is now, the need is now, and the future is at stake.
Posted by: Joan, Missouri | August 19, 2011 at 11:07 AM
It is a given that whomever the Republicans nominate for president will be under attack by the MSM from day one - day one, of course, being the day on which he/she announces his/her candidacy. It is also a given that they believe that we - the gum-chewing public - are too dumb to figure this out.
The nature of the attacks will range from erudite (I love that word, I don't really know what it means - But it sounds good!) from maybe 'Meet The Press' to the absurd - we can count on MSNBC to fully explore that avenue. (Speaking for myself, I would LOVE to hear Al Sharpton expound on that subject - his opening remarks the night of the 1st Wisconsin recall elections were NOT to be missed and I just know he can rise to the occasion yet again.)
Even though he looks about as old as a sophomore in college, Ryan is the real deal - he is smart, he doesn't get flustered easily, the fact that people in Wisconsin like him speaks well of him, he is likable, he already has the name recognition - he has a lot going for him and I think he would make a fine president.
Posted by: terry | August 19, 2011 at 11:12 AM
I was at a wedding this past weekend in Massachusetts. Sitting at a table with a bunch of great friends, all Massachusetts liberals. I am the only conservative of the group, and they like picking my brain/razzing me about the state of ideas in our movement. I went through my list of potential candidates, and the only one that was met with, "I could accept him" was Congressman Ryan. Congressman Ryan has competence, a legitimate and clear vision, and more crossover appeal than first meets the eye. Please run Congressman Ryan
Posted by: Stephen Della Penna, Conshohocken PA | August 19, 2011 at 11:34 AM
Everyone here makes fantastic points. But the one that makes me smile the most is the rumor running through the blogosphere - that Obama and his staff are truly afraid of Ryan and their inability to match him point for point on issues. I'm starting to warm up to the idea of his running by the day for that reason alone.
Posted by: Jeff | August 20, 2011 at 10:02 AM
I am an Independent and I would vote for Paul Ryan in a minute. We have not seen this kind of brass tracks work ethic this man has and the ability to articulate his ideas in such a dynamic way. The fact that he has not made becoming President his life's goal is another reason to vote for him. Ryan cares more about issues than politics. (and seriously, he is the cutest one in the race!) My only concern is - what about Afghanistan? We're spending billions there!
Posted by: Barb | August 20, 2011 at 05:23 PM
Even if Ryan decides not to run in 2012, there is always 2016. Right now, I think that most voters would choose anyone other than the present failed administration. Plus, he might look 30 by then. In all seriousness, we need this man running things even if it's just acting as an advisor to the President in 2012. Take Paul Ryan seriously. This guy means business.
Posted by: Barb | August 20, 2011 at 05:27 PM
Two issues: First, how does Ryan stack up against the current GOP field? In my opinion, he would definitely be, by far, the best GOP candidate. Second, could he be a successful president? This issue carries a lot of baggage. Success for the country certainly requires budgetary expertise. However,an effective energy policy is at least as critical to national survival and national wealth, to the creation of jobs and a thriving economy, as budgetary matters. Tax policy has a major role. Reigning in the EPA, and dramatically cutting the reems of ridiculous federal regulations in all sectors of our economy is, likewise, critical to our nations economic success. A strong and well reasoned approach to national security will be needed. The fact that Obama has made our government look weak, foolish and untrustworthy has resulted in no critical issues of great moment yet, but this could well change overnight. Paul Ryan will need to develope a very strong, trustworthy administration, on every front and in every respect, in order to succeed as a president. Obama has been a complete, abject failure, so the bar is low. Just the same, Obama's effectiveness at destroying our country has been unparalleled in history. Simply being a better president than Obama, will in no way get the job done.
Posted by: rlroll2 | August 21, 2011 at 02:59 PM
2016 may be too late Sir! If the Republicans win this round, 2012, and it seems they will if the person elected does a poor job, 2016 will find the Democrats in power again. What a dismal outlook. Don't do this to me, Sir. I am 92 soon to be 93, give me victory is this my final quarter!@ anne, San Diego
Posted by: Anne T. Finnegan | August 23, 2011 at 08:29 PM