Ryan Streeter
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Following our first installment, more readers have written in with words encouraging, urging, exhorting, and sometimes pleading with Paul Ryan to run for President in 2012. Here's what they are saying:
Mr. Ryan: The country needs an honest man who knows the crisis our country faces. He must be have the courage to risk his political career to do something about it. Few have that kind of courage, our current GOP field of presidential candidates doesn't. Our current President doesn't. Only you have shown that courage. Please run or the office of President of the United States. Your country needs you.
Douglas – Gillette, Wyoming
Dear Congressman Ryan: This is to urge you to enter the presidential race. Your insight into how to solve our country's huge debt crisis is desperately needed.
Kenneth – North Wilkesboro, NC
Paul Ryan, more than any other candidate or possible candidate for the Republican nomination, has a thorough understanding of our nation's debt problem and has been forthright in responding to those challenges. The upcoming Presidential and Congressional elections must be an American referendum on how Americans would like to see our nation respond to this fiscal crisis. Paul Ryan's economic knowledge and his ability to articulate a fiscally conservative alternative to the Obama agenda make him the ideal nominee for the GOP.
Brian - River Forest, IL
Congressman: Washington took command at the age of 42. Next year you will be the same age. Now is the time for all good men...
Hugh - Charlottesville, VA
Congressman Ryan: I'm interrupting my vacation in Costa Rica--possibly to the ire of my lovely girlfriend--to offer you strong words of encouragement to enter the race. No one currently running has been able to stake out positions on the most significant issues of the day--entitlement reform, tax reform, economic growth, jobs--and unite them into a coherent philosophy of government, the conservative idea of an "opportunity society," that stands in stark opposition to President Obama's vision for the future. You have done this with intelligence and grace. And no one else is simultaneously a solid, principled conservative who can appeal to independents and moderates. Please run!
AJ - New York, NY
Dear Congressman Ryan - now more than ever, your country needs you. Please run for President and help lead this country back to its position as the leader of the free world.
Jim - Roswell, GA
I believe that Paul Ryan should run for President because meaningful entitlement is essential to getting our country back on a path of economic growth and prosperity. Congressman Ryan has demonstrated that he can effectively articulate not only the depth of the fiscal challenges we face but also the necessary solutions. The other candidates have simply failed to do so.
Campbell - New York, NY
The 2012 election is a seminal election regarding the future path of our country. President Obama’s path forward is clear – higher taxes and unemployment, more spending and bigger Government. The Republicans path forward is one of tax and entitlement reform, lower unemployment, limited Government and prosperity. No Republican does a better job of conveying these concepts to the average American than Paul Ryan. His grasp of our country’s fiscal problems and solutions to the same is unparalleled. Equally as important is his ability to explain how these solutions lead directly to the continued prosperity of the America that we all love. His ability to effectively do both of these things is critical in convincing the American public to do what is necessary to tackle things like entitlement reform. Paul Ryan’s moment for our country is now.
Michael - Newport Coast, CA
Dear Representative Ryan: I am a young (28 years old) Conservative. Due to my age I don't remember much of Reagan's presidency, but I did grow up hearing stories about his love of America and the great job he did representing and leading our nation. I, and millions of my fellow Americans of all ages have been waiting for a leader to inspire them and restore this nation's greatness. My fellow young Conservatives have been waiting all of our lives for such a leader, a person to be our Reagan. Although I am well aware that there will never be another Reagan, I truly believe that you can be a similar type of leader. We need entitlement reform, we need budgetary reform, we need monetary reform and we need a candidate that can passionately articulate those needs and concrete plans for how to accomplish such tasks. We can't run from who we are - our destiny chooses us. You are being chosen!
Chris - Nazareth, PA
Congressman Ryan: I'm a generation older than you and my gut is telling me that you, uniquely - a mix of policy positions, persuasiveness, sincerity, intelligence and, yes, relative youth - could, as president, help to re-create a self-confident nation whose future is abetted, and not dictated, by levelheaded governance. Best of luck to you.
Chip - Glastonbury, CT
I think Congressman Ryan knows he must run for the reasons we all see. Someone needs to change the culture in Washington. Too many fatcats, too little action. We need Ryan and a change in the Senate.
Mr Ryan: I asked the Holy Spirit for words to speak to you, these are the words: "Hear, my son...On the way of wisdom I direct you, I lead you on straightforward paths. When you walk, your step will not be impeded, and should you run, you will not stumble." Be faithful sir. Serve sir. Thank you and God bless the Ryan family !!!
Bruce - Carmel, IN
Mr. Ryan, you are in a unique position to save our country from fiscal ruin. 2016 will be too late, so please run for President in this cycle – only in this position will you get your budget passed. I understand that you are concerned for your family, but the best thing you can do for them is save the country that they will grow up in – after the election you will be able to work from home, and see them every day - hopefully Mr. Obama will leave the swing set and picnic table behind for you.
David - Tucson, AZ
Congressman Ryan: I hope you do decide to run for President 2012. I admire the courage you have shown by presenting a plan "Path to Prosperity" to get our country back on its feet. I say courage because it deals with the heart of our debt problem entitlement reform. We need leaders like you more than ever. God bless you and may he guide you to the right decision.
Christine - St. Louis, MO
Congressman Ryan: The GOP needs to explain to the American people their country's financial position, first principles, and how they can rectify the country's financials via those principles. Further, that explanation has to counter the Democrats’ demagoguery in a simple manner. You are the best one to do that. Partisanship has nothing to do with saving our country but first principles do. Check with your family then, if they approve, please seriously consider your candidacy for POTUS.
Generation X will bear the brunt of Baby Boomer profligacy. A Gen. X President is what American needs during the coming debate about entitlements and the economy, not another Boomer. The space Ryan occupies is that of premier Republican Gen-Xer. It is his time.
Eryk - Chicago, IL
Go for it!
Will - Seattle, WA
Paul Ryan is the leader of the Republican Party, so he should be the one to contest the next presidential election against Obama.
Jim - Grosse Pointe, MI
Paul Ryan should run because he thoroughly understands the problems this country is facing, and how to solve them. He understands, in detail, the steps needed to get this country back on the right path. More importantly, he can successfully advocate for those ideas on the national stage far more competently than any of the other Republican contenders. We need Paul Ryan, and we need him now.
Ken - Omaha, NE
Congressman Ryan: Who better than you to articulate the only sensible plan out there in this, your own words, the tipping point of our countries debt crisis? Who better than you can present them to the American people in a way that assuages the fears and corrects all the misconceptions? Who better than you can debate President Obama on the current issues and needs of our country and win? You've already invested the time in it's conception invest the time and energy to see it through to fruition.
Rebekah - Topeka, KS
Mr. Ryan: In 2012 the country needs to honestly consider and choose between the liberal and conservative visions for our future, particularly as it relates to the role, size and cost of government (and especially the impacts of entitlement programs on our future prosperity and freedom); it will be too late by 2016. By running for president you guarantee that a conversation about these competing visions will occur, and that the conservative reform agenda will be clearly, passionately and effectively articulated, defended and advocated. Sometimes in history moments and opportunities unexpectedly present themselves, and when this occurs one needs to take advantage of them. You may not have seen it coming, at least not now, but the moment may be here nonetheless.
Ben - Green Bay, WI
Honorable Rep. Paul Ryan: It's time for us as patriotic citizens to press our best leaders into service. Rep Ryan, answer the call! You and your family have an important contribution to make to the land you live in and love. Our creator has given you gifts that your country needs now! While I will vote for the eventual Republican candidate, none of the current contenders has thus far inspired me to give him or her my unqualified support. You have it as soon as you announce.
Paul - Plymouth, MN
Paul Ryan is one of the most articulate spokespersons for policies based on conservative principles that will eliminate federal deficits and put our economy on a path to growth and prosperity. Unlike any of the other Republican candidates, Paul Ryan has consistently developed and promoted well-grounded and thoughtful policies that adhere to conservative ideals that will appeal to main street and Wall Street.
Donald - New York, NY
Dear Congressman Ryan, I know I am one of so many Americans who are worried sick that we are on a course toward losing all that has defined us as the greatest nation on earth, toward losing all that our forefathers worked so faithfully and so hard to establish for all American generations. We so desperately need a courageous, intelligent, truthful, experienced, hard-working, plain-spoken leader, and, very respectfully, Mr. Ryan, you are that very leader. I am so sorry that you and your family are being asked to make this sacrifice right now, but we are so desperate for your leadership, I pray that your family can accept the sacrifice, knowing that you will not only be cementing an honorable personal legacy for your children, but that you will be offering a saving grace for all American children, now and in future generations. God Bless you.
Donna - Clarksville, TN
Dear Congressman Ryan: If you think God brought you, your budgetary expertise, and that telegenic jaw of yours this far, this fast, just so you can chair a committee .... Well, my future president, I'm afraid to say that you are as humble as Pres. Obama is haughty. Things happen for a reason, stop pretending you don't believe that. Our nation is in crisis -- we need you in the White House!
Ken - Cary, NC
I’m an American who has lived outside of the US for over 30 years. I’ve seen how quickly and easily countries can go fatally wrong. Americans don’t really grasp that the spending and entitlements issue is an existential crisis. And politicians are generally unwilling or unable to deal with that. Paul Ryan, however, can clearly explain the facts of life. And, he has the guts to table a solution that is not simply smoke and mirrors.
Elliot - Johannesburg, South Africa
We need a strong president that puts America first and will act in the best interest of our country. One that will not crumble under pressure from corrupt, self-serving, career politicians! I strongly believe that Paul Ryan is the most qualified person in America to handle the job! Paul, your nation needs you desperately! Please help us save America!
Donna – Newnan, GA
Congressman Ryan,
I have emailed you a before, expressing my views, and have heartily voiced my position regarding your candidacy to many people I know. Let me just reiterate my words here; for the sake of your countrymen, run! You are the only elected official who is willing to lay it all on the line and risk your political future for what you believe in. We the people respect and admire your resolve.
Run against Obama. Debate him at every chance, show his remaining supporters he has led us down the wrong path!
We all have our time to shine, Paul; this time is yours.
Posted by: Jeff Carmichael | August 18, 2011 at 11:36 AM
I am busy at work (one of those pesky private-sector types Obama so disdains), so I will keep this short:
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Run, Rep. Ryan. Run.
I don't like Perry (his open-borders and pro-amnesty stance will doom the country); I have doubts about Bachmann's ability to win a general election; and I'm pretty much for Romney by default.
Paul Ryan is the person whose entry into the race I have hoped for for over a year, and whose entry would be the best thing I can think of for the country.
Do it for America, Rep. Ryan. Even if you don't get the nomination, you will have influenced the debate, pushed the other GOP hopefuls in the right direction, and then you can return to your great work in the House.
Posted by: Tim Carruthers | August 18, 2011 at 12:10 PM
Congressman Ryan, you have my vote. Our country needs to change direction. Your civil and respectful, principled tone is a winning approach that stands out against the disdainful, combative one-upsmanship of the ideologues, who divide rather than convince.
Let division be the progressive attribute. Our country needs to be reminded of its basic decency.
Posted by: David Carvin | August 18, 2011 at 12:51 PM
Why not have the best of both worlds - Perry/Paul as a 'Dream Ticket'...
Posted by: Faceless Bureaucrat | August 18, 2011 at 02:00 PM
Dear Rep. Ryan,
I know it's a daunting prospect going up against a great intellect and The World's Greatest Orator, against someone who has graduated from Columbia and Harvard, who can produce seven states out of thin air and create or save millions of jobs at a stroke. The folks who vote are too dull-witted to realize how privileged they are to be ruled by the crème de la crème of Punahoe, and will drag their knuckles to the voting booth on election day to cast one for the Wonk from Wisconsin. The sorry, bitter-clinging swine who trample the Marxy-Keynesy hopey-changey pearls of economic wisdom ("at some point, you've made enough money") cast by The One prefer the pedestrian math facts of the real world Ryan.
Rep. Ryan: your country is calling.
Posted by: Barbara Moeller | August 18, 2011 at 03:53 PM
The true 'Dream Ticket' would be Ryan/Rubio! Here are two great patriots with a fierce love of this great nation. Read everything you can get your hands on about them, and LISTEN to what they say! How desperately we need their real leadership to lead us out of this progressive mess we're in. Rubio would be a tremendous asset to President Ryan. Ryan/Rubio in 2012, and Rubio/? in 2016. Be still, my conservative heart!
Posted by: Donna J. Martens | August 18, 2011 at 03:56 PM
Not only does Paul Ryan know what needs to be done with our welfare/economic state of affairs, he has the guts to say it- and say it in plain English. We need his leadership to accomplish it! If only we could clone him in the House & Senate.
Please run, Congressman Ryan!
Peoria AZ
Posted by: Connie | August 19, 2011 at 12:23 PM
Paul Ryan is brilliant, courageous, moral, & persuasive. Before Republicans took the House, before Obamacare was passed, he publically debated Obama,knocking him off-message & exposing his weakness. He led on the GOP budget & medicare plan. In every debate he will dominate Obama with logic, facts, & grace. He will govern well because he is clearly leading us already. He is the one we are waiting for.
Posted by: Susan | August 21, 2011 at 03:39 AM