Ryan Streeter
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My Indianapolis Star column today builds on a theme in this morning's post: beyond the sheer numbers of our national debt, underlying trends suggest that things are even worse than Republicans typically say. The MSM likes to characterize them as extremists, but when you look at the trends, the only conclusion is that a new radicalism in spending cuts is needed - and needed soon.
The 5 trends are as follows:
- By the end of the year, the federal government's debt will grow larger than our entire economy with no sign of reversing.
- Growth projections are working against us.
- The younger labor force we depend on is in trouble.
- Fewer households are forming, which is prolonging our economic sluggishness.
- Personal debt adds to our public debt woes.
You can read the entire op-ed here.
The GOP are not extreme ! What is extreme is the Democrats headlong march towards socialist induced ruin.The Republicans are determined to save the USA from the disaster unfolding before our eyes.We need Cut,Cap & Balance urgently to end the present mess and to prevent it happening again.There is nothing extreme about the Republicans at all . Obama is mad after his $880 billion stimulus,$1.2 trillion on Obama Care,24% hike in discretionary spending and the auto bail-out.Excess spending & borrowing caused this calamity as the capitalist system could not stand much more of the excesses of the Bush & Obama debt funded spending madness.
What is extreme is to ignore common-sense and to try to tax the economy into oblivion as a class war ploy to retain the White House in 2012.
Posted by: Matthew Reynolds | July 21, 2011 at 04:24 PM