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June 02, 2011


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David J

God knows the GOP need a good candidate, but Mitt Romney has rather spoilt his image with his indecision on so many issues.

I'd still rather vote for him though against the dreadful Sarah Palin!!

Dawn Carpenter

Sarah Palin is a sweetheart! Besides, she can kill and butcher a moose.

Matthew Reynolds

He could learn from Reagan by pledging enough cuts in federal spending to balance the budget within six years.Some money from the cuts should along with far fewer tax concessions & higher sales tax could pay for cutting corporate & personal income taxes by 30%.Capital gains & dividends should be taxed as either personal or corporate income for the first four years and then be tax free after then.

Higher revenues on the back of a tax cut fuelled recovery coupled with the federal government shrinking as a share of GDP could wipe out the deficit.

Romney sounds like a competent CEO but to win in 2012 on the economy he must have a credible and popular economic plan.


Ron Paul is the last hope for America in this election, the rest are like Labour and the Conservatives - two sides of the same coin.

I hope for the sake of the American people and the world that Paul somehow manages to win the nomination, I really do.

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