Natalie Gonnella
There’s less than 24 hours to go until government shutdown, and as President Obama vows to veto the GOP's interim-spending bill as the budget impasse drags on, the frustration among Republican freshmen over the Democrats' continued pomposity only continues to grow.
With the Administration and Senate Democrats showing little support for a short-term proposal that not only buys time for further negotiations, but also funds the Department of Defense through the end of the current fiscal year ensuring military personal are compensated should a federal closure occur, GOP newbies have been quick to weigh in on the latest phase of the fiscal saga.
As shutdown creeps closer to reality, and with little progress emerging, here’s a look at what Washington’s newest Republicans have had to say about the looming deadline and the Democrats’ decision to reject a week long stop-gap plan:
I’ve said all along, that I don’t want a Government shutdown. That’s why our goal in Congress has been to fund the Government while reducing spending. But Harry Reid and the Senate refuse to act. I’m hopeful a deal can be hammered out quickly as negotiations continue between the Senate and the House even as I write this. There has been a proposal to extend current appropriations (with cuts) in the short-term while funding our troops for the rest of the year. I support such an extension. If the Senate refuses again to act, choosing not to fund our troops, there does exist a possibility that our Government could shut down.
In case of a Government shutdown, I want to make it perfectly clear that I will not be accepting my congressional salary during the time of the shut down. Instead I’ll be donating it to a worthy WI-8 charity that supports our veterans. I call upon all my colleagues to do the same. We should not be profiting during a time when the rest of our Government is shut down.
The American People deserve to hear the truth: America is broke. Since President Obama took office, Democrats have increased discretionary spending by 24 percent and added more than $3 trillion to the national debt…. We are on an unsustainable path. Without change, the future holds a toxic combination of debt, new taxes, and burdensome government regulations that together stymie small business growth, job creation, and prosperity…I am confident that we can fix this problem, but nothing will happen until Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid drops the political posturing and starts demonstrating a decent respect for the opinions of the American People, who demand significant cuts to federal spending and a serious reduction to our national debt.
As a military pilot, I have friends serving our country who are wondering if they're going to get paid if the government does shutdown. I say, 'Ask Harry Reid; we've tried to make sure you continue to get paid.’ I'm disappointed by the news that our Commander-in-Chief has threatened to veto this legislation that would ensure members of the military receive their paychecks and avoids a government shutdown…I was sent here to cut spending and make government efficient and effective, not just in the short-term, but in the long run for our children and grandchildren. I don't think it's any secret that we cannot continue down this reckless trajectory.
As we fight on behalf of the American people to solve the problem of our nation’s deficit and debt crisis, and fight to put Americans back to work, we must remember that our men and women in uniform are depending upon Congress and the President to reach an agreement. It is irresponsible to allow those who sacrifice the most for our nation to be affected by the budget impasse in Washington. Immediate and swift action is needed. The House has done its part to ensure our troops are not affected and now it is incumbent on the President and Senate Majority Leader Reid to stop delaying, fund our military, and prevent a federal government shutdown.
As the daughter, wife and mother of veterans, I will always stand up and support our men and women in uniform and the case of ensuring military pay in the event of a government shutdown is no exception,” said Black. “There are too many families worried about whether their loved ones will come home safely from Iraq and Afghanistan—they don’t need to worry about where the next paycheck is coming from too…Our nation’s military families already sacrifice so much for this country, they shouldn’t have to go without during a government shutdown.
I voted to take our troops out of the front lines of Washington’s political battles, cut more spending, and keep the government open. Senate Democrats have yet to support this or any budget resolution and our Commander in Chief has already said he will veto it without explanation. However, I will never compromise or stand down when it comes to supporting the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect us.
Congressional Democrats punted on passing a budget last year and are attempting to do it again this year. Not only have Democrats failed to offer a plan to get our country off the path to financial ruin, they are obstructing the efforts of the House to cut spending, create jobs and get our economy back on track…The troops are not a political chip to be played. The Senate and President Obama have no reason not to follow the House in passing this bill.
House Republicans have introduced another short-term resolution because the previous Democrat-led Congress failed to pass a budget, leaving this Congress to pick up the pieces. Now, once again, the Democrat-led Senate is refusing to do their jobs and pass a responsible and long-term budget plan. The House passed a long-term budget plan 47 days ago that would continue to fund the government at responsible budget levels, but Senate Democrats refuse to take action. The American people sent a loud and clear message in November that they want Congress to get its fiscal House in order. I have heard them, my colleagues in the House have heard them, but Senate Democrats refuse to listen. I strongly encourage Senator Reid and his colleagues to follow the House’s lead by passing this short-term resolution to address our nation’s fiscal crisis, keep the government running, ensure that our men and women in uniform are funded through the remainder of the fiscal year, and work to complete last year’s unfinished business by passing H.R.1.
I supported this latest continuing resolution because it will fund the Department of Defense through the end of the fiscal year. That means our war fighters – especially those in conflict zones – will not see their pay interrupted. I cannot in good conscience allow that to happen. Having served for 24 years in the United States Navy, I know firsthand the sacrifices our service members and their families make to ensure we can live peacefully and in a free society. A government shutdown should never negatively affect them.
Congresswoman Anne Marie Buerkle:
The Senate has abrogated its duty to the American people by its continued refusal to pass or amend any of the legislation sent to it for consideration. They have failed the leadership test. This is not a Republican or Democrat issue. The Senate and the President of the United States, the Commander-in-Chief, need to come to the table and negotiate rather than spend their time ignoring the problem and assigning blame.
While I favor a fiscally responsible spending plan for the rest of the year, today’s bill is a responsible course of action to facilitate negotiations, and I hope the Senate and President approve it to avoid a government shutdown. Talks are... making progress, but there is no agreement yet with the White House and Senate. We’re stuck in this position now because last year Congress didn’t do its job and pass a budget. This year, the Senate has yet to pass any bill to keep the government running through the end of the fiscal year.
I live in a practical world and came to Washington to be serious about finding responsible solutions. If the government shuts down temporarily, I will work hard to make a shutdown is as brief and painless as possible.