As speculation continues over possible 2012 candidates, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee continues to lead the field when it comes to Positive Intensity Scores.
- Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels' and Romney's Positive Intensity Scores each rose by five points from two weeks ago -- Daniels' from 10 to 15, and Romney's from 15 to 20. This week's update puts Romney in a tie for second place behind Huckabee for the first time.
- Despite the flurry of publicity that surrounded Pawlenty's announcement last week, his recognition among Republicans has essentially not changed, at 40% today, compared with 39% in January.
- The two largest changes over time in Republicans' familiarity with the list of potential candidates are Daniels' increase from 26% recognition in January to 33% today, and Rick Santorum's from 40% in January to 46% today.
With another Gallup survey this week week noting that Americans are less likely to view President Obama as a strong leader, and as a number of candidates take steps towards declaring their candidacy, Gallup's Positive Intensity Poll will definitely be one to watch.