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December 18, 2010


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Elaine Turner

Where is Arizoine?

I am so pleased that there are a few enlightened Republicans out there. This is a subject that ought to be put to bed (is that a Freudian slip?) and ignored now I think.

Gay men don't fancy all men, the same as women don't fancy all men. I daresay occasionally a straight man will be hit on by a gay man - but if the gays are prepared to go and lay down their lives for their country, then good on them I say.

I am happy that the 'don't ask, don't say Bill is being repealed' - but presumably they are moving forward and not backwards?


Hmmm... I wouldn't call myself a fan of these senators, I would consider them all RINOs. However, I believe they've made the right call here. DADT is pretty difficult to defend simply for practical reasons, anyone worth their salt with regards to limited government should oppose federal bans and that's all it was. I'm glad it's being repealed.

FTP Topcliff

Agreed. The war against gays is over.


Why is it that people these days have to be either 100% in support of gay people or 100% against them?

Andrew S

This is great news. Finally, a highly discriminatory federal law has been overturned.

Those who voted against should perhaps have their 'backs against the wall' for another reason.


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