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November 15, 2010


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Kevin Davis

These are serious issues that the US needs to sort and the current financial crisis is a good time to do it because it provides an environment where new thinking can blossom as the world searches for answers to the new paradigm. It is just a shame that you are stuck to an electoral cycle where the pivotal moment has occurred mid-term.

However, what I would caution against is the idea that Europe holds answers to the problems of the US. This is the devil the GOP likes to beat Obama social reform with and they are right.

The structure of European social policy could never be replicated in the US and what I would hope US think-tanks, and this site, might do is lead a revolution in social policy that others might wish to follow.

ConHome UK has championed the "...and" theory where you recast traditional viewpoints in the context of modern thinking and it is this that the GOP must now focus on. To do otherwise runs the risks of looking outdated and irrelevant to everyone but the core vote.


To attract both conservatives and libertarians the GOP should clearly state that social policy should be decided at state level only. Indeed, there is a lot to be said for devolving as much federal power as possible down to state level.

Bedd Gelert

Has anyone missed the rather obvious point that Conservative Home UK support the Conservative Party, whose coalition with the 'Liberal Democrats' [clue in the title folks..] have policies broadly congruent with the Obama administration.

Just before people starting poncing around on here pretending that they, the ConHomers, are 'Tea Party' loving neo-con crazies who lurvve Guns, God and Guts and spouting other nonsense.

The hard-right in the Conservative Party, like Norman Tebbit and John Redwood are a million light-years from the levers of power.

David Cameron got to be the Top Dog because he embraced the 'centre-ground' of progressive politics, just like Barack Obama.

There is a lesson there somewhere for the GOP, but it escapes me for the moment, and it will escape them for decades while they stray and wander in the wilderness...

Bedd Gelert

Has anyone missed the rather obvious point that Conservative Home UK support the Conservative Party, whose coalition with the 'Liberal Democrats' [clue in the title folks..] have policies broadly congruent with the Obama administration.

Just before people starting poncing around on here pretending that they, the ConHomers, are 'Tea Party' loving neo-con crazies who lurvve Guns, God and Guts and spouting other nonsense.

The hard-right in the Conservative Party, like Norman Tebbit and John Redwood are a million light-years from the levers of power.

David Cameron got to be the Top Dog because he embraced the 'centre-ground' of progressive politics, just like Barack Obama.

There is a lesson there somewhere for the GOP, but it escapes me for the moment, and it will escape them for decades while they stray and wander in the wilderness...

Gregory S

All this infighting is rather pointless since America's future has already been decided and it's deep blue. Voting Republican is a white thing you see and America is becoming less white every year. Each election cycle it will be harder and harder for them to win a majority. By 2050 America will be majority non-white and then the show will be over.

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