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November 16, 2010


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Sally McNamara

Great piece here along the same lines by The Heritage Foundation

Why is America Exceptional?
October 1, 2010 by Matthew Spalding, Ph.D.


Kate Pitrone

Yes, if the US gives up principled liberty the whole world is in trouble. The only way the US can give up exceptionalism is if the rest of the people of the world and their governments embrace those principles.

We need a new rhetoric of liberty to inspire the factions within the nation who seem to have lost sight of the value of those things that have made the US exceptional. If conservatives haven't got that, they are only talking to themselves.

Abiyot Gurasho

I have great imphasis on the 3rd reason, i.e spritual entrepreneurship. The generiousity of American people is quite unconditional, their strong & firm support for humanitarian issue.
They acknowledged God on their currency/Dolar/.
The true spritual ceremony for the elected president in the church.
The strong supporter for Israeli people.
The political parties are highly influenced by fundamental /Biblical/ christians.

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