This week’s ConservativeHome100 poll, which surveys a group of America’s most influential conservatives, asked their views on policy priorities facing Congress in the lame duck.
The majority strongly believes that Congress should pass the tax cut deal as agreed to, fund the government, and go home. Other issues that were live last week – START, the Dream Act, and DADT – all rank low.
- 77% believe in passing the tax cut deal as it stands, compared to the 33% prefer that the GOP try to kill the estate tax and fund the unemployment insurance with spending reductions.
- Only 15% believe Congress should have approved START, 13% the Dream Act, and 13% Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell.
The poll includes notables such as Arthur Brooks, David Frum, John Podhoretz, John O'Sullivan, Reihan Salam, and Karl Rove. Some members have asked to remain anonymous.