« Herb London: The UN vote on (a non-democratic) Palestinian state poses a historic threat to Israel and the West | Main | Randy Brandt: Deficit reduction and wealth creation go hand-in-hand with helping poor families »



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Lance Lyons

Every one who truly seeks peace: let us pray that Our Lord will intervene so that the entire Temple Mount area will be returned to The Jewish State. L+

Dawn Carpenter

Some elected rulers rise above themselves when they reach high office, achieving a selflessness, a sense of mission -- Ronald Reagan, an actor; Margaret Thatcher, a research chemist. They found something in themselves they hadn't known was there. "Where's the rest of me?" said Ronnie Reagan. Others are diminished by high office -- Tony Blair, Barak Obama. They become obsessed by their image, their legacy, their place in history, and they begin to manipulate people and shape events to produce that legacy. In commemcing war against Iraq, George Bush was simply doing the right thing, and he saw it as no more than that. Tony Blair, however, was a man possessed. Barak Obama, like Blair, is obsessed with going down in history as the Man Who Brought Peace to the Middle East. It is ego, pure arrogance, but Israel will be here long after Obama has been replaced at the White House. Until then, just say no, Mr. Netanyahu, just say no.

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