« Ted Bromund: If we care about American exceptionalism, it's time to reform our treaty process - Part 1 of 3 in our mini-symposium on American sovereignty and exceptionalism | Main | Steven Groves: Republicans beware: 2011 could be the year of the Left's favorite treaties - Part 2 of 3 in our mini-symposium on American sovereignty and exceptionalism »



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At least the aythor is honest about how unpop
ular this lousy monster of a bill is, and the costs and not to mention mandates, committees to tell me IF I can have a test and if so WHEN. Obama is a one man disaster:a wrecking ball!!!I remember sayin from the start of his REIGN that everyday there's something else throw at the American
people. May this horror of a bill and Obama both be repealed, and both replaced!!!

betty iberg

I speak to you as a Mayo Clinic patient, knowledgable about their philosophy of delivering LOW VOLUME-HIGH VALUE patient care. I suspect you are voicing your opposition to the Affordable Care Act, because it would force you into delivering efficent care, not expensive care. The beauty of the Affordable Care Act, is to take physicians that choose to practice high volume care (that is requiring lots of testing and high cost) to task and deliver the kind of proven efficent care that Mayo or Cleveland Clinic practice. Stop sucking our country with your high cost health care delivery. It can be done. Insurance companies and rich doctors continue to try to derail reform.


Betty: you're completely wrong if you think this "healthcare" bill is about health or care. It's about power and creating a dependency class that will ideally keep clawing away at crumbs provided by the preferred party: democrats. See what the " war on poverty" has done? All such schemes require useful idiots as proponents, now don't they?

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