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Alan Matan

Excellent piece. Yes, we have the tools to improve student achievement and still trim the budget. It starts with an overhaul of our curriculum and implement the Common Core State Standards as the vehicle to dive curriculum. It continues with the development of common assessments that measure proficiency of these skills, and less of random bits of unconnected content. It is teacher-teams working together to build engaging and relevant units of study around the Common Core using proven research-based instructional strategies. All we need are change agents in our schools to break outside the traditional mold of teacher and become a 21st century educator. http://core4all.wordpress.com


I'm a science teacher in California for 15years, although went to school in the conservative Midwest. When I first started teaching in California I couldn't believe all the extra classes other than the basics offered to the students ....in the majority of Midwest schools Biotech, dance, teaching academy, and avid just don't exist.

My concern at the time was how are these classes being funded and found out that the majority of these classes were started with grant monies that have been used up by now and are currently being paid through the general fund. With the big budget issues in California and elsewhere... I thin it's time to revisit the status of these programs. The teachers who initially taught these programs knew these were grant funded programs and were well aware of the future of the programs.

It's time to remove "wanted" programs from schools so we can still keep the "needs".

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