Newslinks for Tuesday November 29, 2011
Posted on 11/29/2011Ignoring Newt, Democrats go after Romney
"Even as the former House speaker leaped to the center of the 2012 stage, rising in the polls and winning the endorsement of New Hampshire’s powerful Union Leader newspaper, national Democrats launched a messaging campaign aimed at tearing down Romney, the opponent Obama supporters take most seriously.” - Politico
- "Democratic officials said Obama campaign leaders overwhelmingly believe Mr. Romney will be the Republican nominee, and they want to move early to undermine the image he is trying to build as a can-do businessman." - WSJ ($)
- Huntsman: Romney couldn't reform Wall Street - CNN
- Romney picks up key South Florida Cuban-American endorsements - Miami Herald
- Swing state Democrats spread DNC's latest attack on Romney - CNN
- Watch the ad itself
Newt Gingrich offers seven-point immigration plan
"At a town hall here Monday evening hosted by tea party favorite Rep. Tim Scott, Gingrich outlined a seven-part plan and called for withholding federal funds from “sanctuary cities,” that don’t enforce federal immigration laws. Gingrich also pitched a “World War II selective service model” for long-term illegal immigrants that would allow them to receive support from their communities — and remain in the country." - Politico
- "Newt Gingrich expressed support on Monday for South Carolina’s controversial law [which] would require law officers who make traffic stops to call federal immigration officials if they suspect someone is in the country illegally. Opponents say the measure would encourage racial profiling." - National Journal
- "Gingrich has surged to the top of the polls in the race for the GOP nomination, but with that front-runner status comes growing concern that his personal baggage could become a campaign liability." - The Hill
- Gingrich meets with pastors in South Carolina - CNN
- Gingrich proposes sequel to 'compassionate conservatism' - Cal Thomas for the Washington Examiner
Woman claims she had 13-Year affair with Herman Cain - National Post
"An Atlanta-area woman said in a television interview aired Monday that she had a 13-year affair with Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. Ginger White told Fox 5 Atlanta, "It wasn't complicated. I was aware that he was married. And I was also aware I was involved in a very inappropriate situation, relationship." She told the station the physical relationship ended eight months ago, about when Mr. Cain announced his presidential run." - WSJ ($)
- " an extraordinary step for a presidential candidate, Cain preempted the claims on national television." - Politico
- Gov. Huckabee on new allegation: "I think this is the most damaging allegation that has been made to date. No question about it." - The Hill
Sheriff Joe Arpaio to endorse Rick Perry
"An Arizona sheriff who has gained a national reputation for his tough stance against illegal immigrants is set to endorse Texas Governor Rick Perry Tuesday in New Hampshire, Perry's campaign confirmed." - CNN
- BUT... former NH GOP Chair Fergus Cullen writes: "Sheriff Arpaio is a modern-day Bull Connor, minus the fire hoses and german shepherds. He is a disgrace and a national embarrassment." - NH Journal
Stuart Rothenberg: It's a matter of head (Romney) or heart (anyone else)
"Republicans are now chewing over their party’s potential presidential nominee for 2012, and a dramatic division has become apparent between GOP insiders and the grass roots... it’s not primarily a difference of ideology, though there is an element of that. Instead, the split centers on electability. ... The question is whether there are enough true believers to nominate someone other than Romney, thereby putting up a weaker general election candidate against Obama. In other words, is this 1964, when Republicans listened to their heart over their head?" - Stuart Rothenberg for Roll Call
- Byron York: Time running out for anti-Romney Republicans - Washington Examiner
Former Rep. Joe Scarborough has a quiz to root out the real RINO of the 2012 primaries
- "A candidate like Newt Gingrich can get away with supporting the biggest socialist scheme in American government over the past 30 years because he says nasty things about the press and calls Barack Obama a Marxist. Jon Huntsman, on the other hand, can have a stellar conservative record as Utah’s governor, be anti-abortion and adored by the NRA. But if he refuses to spit out angry screeds against Obama, he’s dismissed as a RINO, the facts be damned." - Joe Scarborough for Politico
As White House candidates abandon public funding, House Republicans look to end system - Washington Post
White House defends Obama trips to key election states - LA Times
Sen. Rob Portman holds out hope for tax reform
"A week after the supercommittee’s collapse, Sen. Rob Portman said Monday he’ll unveil a corporate tax reform plan early next year that builds off a framework negotiated by the failed bipartisan deficit panel. The Ohio Republican, one of 12 members of the supercommittee, described his plan as “pro-growth, deficit neutral,” and said it would drop tax rates to 25 percent, broaden the tax base and move to a “territorial system” where only profits earned in the U.S. would be taxed here." - Politico
- "Senate Democrats are set this week to push for an expansion of the current payroll tax cut – and pay for it by tacking on an extra tax for millionaires." - Politico
Should three key Supreme Court justices bow out of health care ruling?
"One e-mail from [Kagan] to fellow department official Laurence Tribe talked about an upcoming House vote on health care: "I hear they have the votes, Larry!! Simply amazing." ... There have been calls for Scalia and especially Thomas to recuse themselves or pull out of hearing the issue." - CNN
- "it would be refreshing to see Kagan respect the law by recusing herself when the measure comes before the nation's highest court." - Washington Examiner editorial
After less than two weeks, Wisconsin Gov. Walker recall effort has more than half required signatures
"United Wisconsin announced on Monday that more than 300,000 signatures have been gathered during the first 12 days of the recall effort, which was officially launched on Nov. 15. Organizers would need to gather 540,208 valid signatures by Jan. 17 to get the recall on the ballot next year." - Green Bay Press-Gazette
US Chamber of Commerce refutes Paul Krugman claim taxing the rich could raise $1 trillion
"By his rough estimate returning tax rates to pre-1980s levels 'could shave more than $1 trillion off the deficit' over the next 10 years. Assuming that it could, that wouldn't even cover the new debt created this year, and I'm sure job creators would be raring to hire more people if Krugman has his way and marginal tax rates rose to 70%" - Sean Hackbarth on Chamber Post
Barney Frank won't seek re-election - WSJ
- "Barney Frank's plan to leave Congress in January 2013 may make it easier for Republicans to water down the financial-regulation overhaul that bears his name, according to fans and foes of the measure." - WSJ ($)
- "The retirement of Rep. Barney Frank has put in motion a potentially brutal fight for the top Democratic slot on the Financial Services Committee, raising issues of race, seniority and ties to a vilified financial sector." - Roll Call
- "Rep. Barney Frank's (D-Mass.) decision to not seek reelection may be a sign that he's angling for a Cabinet position in the Obama administration." - The Hill
- "While the seat will definitely lean toward the Democrats, the election to replace Frank will likely be somewhat competitive." - RealClearPolitics
- Retirements hit Dem aspirations for a House takeover in 2012 - The Hill