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John Rossomando on The Republican: Separate secularism and state
Video: The real Congressional Black Caucus is unmasked
2012 update:
John Rossomando on The Republican: Solyndra and its stepsisters show the need to end federal pay-to-play
Chris Christie seriously considering run for president in 2012?
"Gov. Chris Christie is seriously rethinking his months of denials and may launch a campaign for the White House after all, a source close to the governor said tonight. In the last week, Christie has been swayed away from his earlier refusals to run by an aggressive draft effort from a cadre of Republicans and donors unhappy with the GOP field, said the source, who was not authorized to speak publicly and requested anonymity. ... In addition, the Governor’s wife, Mary Pat, no longer objects to a presidential run, according to an adviser to the governor. The governor has famously said 'my wife would kill me' as a reason not to run. However, a few months ago former first lady Barbara Bush called Mary Pat to assuage her concerns about life in the White House, the adviser said." - Star-Ledger
Wall Street donors worried about Perry's electability
"The red meat Rick Perry is serving up to Republican primary voters is causing him problems with deep-pocketed Wall Street donors. Some bankers say they would prefer a more moderate candidate, and worry the Texas governor's style and stances on social issues could sink him in the general election. Their unease, along with rules against governors accepting money from certain financial executives, could crimp Mr. Perry's ability to tap into his party's single biggest source of cash." - WSJ ($)
Some Republicans in Iowa give Romney a new look - Des Moines Register
2012 GOP race in brief:
Mitch Daniels: Social Security sniping must stop
"The Indiana governor wants whoever wins the Republican presidential nomination to go big and bold with ideas, confronting what he believes is the existential fiscal crisis facing the country. And Daniels says the back-and-forth between the GOP frontrunners on Social Security doesn’t augur well for such a campaign. 'We should not scare people when there’s no reason to,' Daniels said when asked in an interview about Romney’s hard-hitting attacks on Perry over the Texas governor’s critique of the entitlement. ... He says of the spat: 'I don’t think it’s a good moment for our party.'" - Politico
House approves short-term funding plan
"A short-term spending measure to fund the federal government into next week won approval Thursday from the U.S. House and now goes to President Barack Obama's desk. The measure was part of a bipartisan agreement intended to end a dispute over disaster relief spending that threatened to cause a partial shutdown of the government when the current fiscal year ends at midnight Friday. Congressional approval of the measure keeps the government funded through October 4. The House will then have to consider a more comprehensive measure that would keep the government funded through November 18." - CNN
Sen. Mark Kirk: Obama's Libya effort a "success"
"In March, Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) was urging President Barack Obama to better define the U.S. military’s role in Libya and seek Congress’s approval to use force in the north African nation. But after a day touring the streets of Tripoli and meeting rebel leaders who overthrew the regime of Col. Moammar Qadhafi, Kirk praised Obama’s handling of the Libyan conflict as a undeniable 'success.'" - Politico
Sen. Durbin says Democrats don’t currently have the votes for Obama jobs bill - The Hill
Obama administration widens challenges to state immigration laws - Washington Post
Demographic changes allow Obama to plot a route to re-election
"With his support among blue-collar white voters far weaker than among white-collar independents, President Obama is charting an alternative course to re-election should he be unable to win Ohio and other industrial states traditionally essential to Democratic presidential victories. ... While Mr. Obama’s approval ratings have slid across the board as unemployment remains high, what buoys Democrats are the changing demographics of formerly Republican states like Colorado, where Democrats won a close Senate race in 2010, as well as Virginia and North Carolina." - New York Times
Peggy Noonan: A troubled nation needs a real leader, not a storyteller
"Would the next president like a story? Here's one. America was anxious, and feared it was losing the air of opportunity that had allowed it to be what it was—expansive, generous, future-trusting. It was losing faith in its establishments and institutions. And someone came out of that need who led—who was wise and courageous and began to turn the ship around. And we saved our country, and that way saved the world.There's a narrative for you, the only one that matters. Go be a hero of that story. It will get around. It will bubble up." -Peggy Noonan in the WSJ ($)
Sen. Marco Rubio: America should stand up for religious freedom in Iran
"As history has proven, countries that do not respect the rights of their citizens seldom respect the rights of their neighbors. The Iranian regime’s blatant disregard for its own citizens should raise alarms about its behavior in the region and the world should its illicit nuclear program be allowed to go on unchecked. America’s commitment to the universal rights of man requires us to clearly speak out against their violations wherever they make occur. I urge the administration to relentlessly call for an immediate and unconditional release for Pastor Nadarkhani." - Marco Rubio in National Review
Charles Krauthammer: Why Abbas went to the UN
"For nearly half a century, the United States has pursued a Middle East settlement on the basis of the formula of land for peace. Land for peace produced the Israel-Egypt peace of 1979 and the Israel-Jordan peace of 1994. Israel has offered the Palestinians land for peace three times since. And been refused every time. Why? For exactly the same reason Abbas went to the U.N. last week: to get land without peace. Sovereignty with no reciprocal recognition of a Jewish state. Statehood without negotiations. An independent Palestine in a continued state of war with Israel." - Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post
US-born Islamist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki reported killed in Yemen airstrike - BBC
2012 update:
11:00am Ryan Streeter on The Republican: Boob bait for the bubbas: Republicans have fallen for the bait year after year; will they really have the moral fortitude to resist the temptation after 2012?
Ryan Streeter on The Republican: Give Cain's 9-9-9 plan a fair shake
Fox News poll: GOP race top tier now Romney, Perry and Cain
"Three September debates have shaken-up the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Herman Cain has jumped into the top tier. Rick Perry’s stumbled. Mitt Romney's holding steady. And Michele Bachmann is hitting bottom. That’s according to a Fox News poll released Wednesday." - Fox
Complex calendar gives Romney the edge - Politico
Romney waits as GOP flirts with alternatives
"After a summer spent skillfully navigating the obstacles of an unpredictable race, and after consistently rising above his rivals during three debates, Mr. Romney still faces one central question: Will he ever be able to satisfy Republicans? The latest drumbeat of adoration aimed at luring someone new into the race — this time, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey — is also a slap at Mr. Romney, whose effort to consolidate support from donors and party activists is impeded every time another potential candidate surfaces." - New York Times
Perry walks back "heartless" immigration comment
"'I probably chose a poor word to explain that for people who don't want their state to be giving tuition to illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, in this country, that's their call, and I respect that,' Perry said in an on-camera interview with Newsmax. 'And I was probably a bit over-passionate in using that word, and it was inappropriate. But here's what I do believe: it's a state's sovereign right to decide that issue for themselves.'" - CNN
2012 GOP race in brief:
Republicans hoping Obama's unpopularity will yield upset in West Virginia Governor's race - National Journal
Supreme Court asked to rule on Obamacare - with a decision by June 2012
"A 26-state coalition has asked the Supreme Court to decide the constitutionality of the massive health care reform legislation championed by President Barack Obama. The petition filed Wednesday virtually assures a landmark decision by June, in the thick of a presidential election year." - CNN
"The political calculus is complicated. A decision striking down President Obama’s signature legislative achievement only months before the election would doubtless be a blow. But a decision from a court divided along ideological lines could further energize voters already critical of last year’s 5-to-4 campaign finance decision, Citizens United." - New York Times
Florida will likely hold January primary, threatening presidential calendar
"Florida is now expected to hold its presidential primary on the last day in January 2012, a move likely to throw the carefully arranged Republican nominating calendar into disarray and jumpstart the nominating process a month earlier than party leaders had hoped. ... If that happens, it would almost certainly force the traditional early states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada to leapfrog Florida and move their primaries and caucuses into early- to mid-January." - CNN
NRCC launches new campaign: "Where are the Blue Dogs?"
"Self-proclaimed 'moderate' Blue Dog Democrats have become an endangered species after their constituents discovered their true colors. In the 2010 cycle, Republicans defeated 28 Blue Dogs, dwindling their coalition from 54 down to a mere 26 lap dogs. Now, seeing the writing on the wall, these 26 supposed moderates are in hiding, fearful of being found and held accountable for their partisan job-destroying records." - NRCC
Tea Party Sen. Ron Johnson vs. the establishment Sen. Roy Blunt in Senate GOP leadership race
"Sen. Ron Johnson (Wis.) has quickly secured the support of conservatives in his bid for GOP Conference vice chairman, but Sen. Roy Blunt (Mo.) could still prove to be a tough opponent in any head-to-head matchup if leadership members and other establishment Republicans side with him." - Roll Call
Alabama wins in ruling on its immigration law, now has toughest in the country - New York Times
Ohio, Pa. polls show trouble for Obama - USA Today
GOP stifling efforts for immigration reform, Obama says
"Obama reiterated that he he supports a pathway for legal status for the millions of undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States. His immigration vision includes having undocumented immigrants pay a fine or learn English, or other steps that will lead to citizenship. Tough border security enforcement and actions against employers who hire illegal immigrants are the other pillars of his plan." - CNN
Karl Rove: Obama will alienate swing voters by feeding red meat to his base
"There are two ways the president could re-energize Democrats. One is by offering a positive, uplifting vision, which is what Mr. Obama did in 2008. If employed now, that strategy would allow the president to reconnect with the swing voters he desperately needs for victory. The other approach is to feed the Democratic base red meat, which is what Mr. Obama is doing now. But what pleases left-wing donors and activists will alienate the decisive voters. Team Obama assumes the president can play to disenchanted donors and MoveOn.org organizers now and pivot to the center next fall. I'm not so sure." - WSJ ($)
John Bolton and Dan Blumenthal: Time to kill the Law of the Sea Treaty - again
"The Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST)—signed by the U.S. in 1994 but never ratified by the Senate—is showing some signs of life on Capitol Hill, even as new circumstances make it less attractive than ever. With China emerging as a major power, ratifying the treaty now would encourage Sino-American strife, constrain U.S. naval activities, and do nothing to resolve China's expansive maritime territorial claims." - WSJ ($)
Man arrested in "step-by-step" plot to blow up Capitol, Pentagon
"The FBI arrested and charged a man Wednesday for allegedly plotting to blow up the Capitol and the Pentagon. The 26-year-old Massachusetts man, Rezwan Ferdaus, was arrested as part of an FBI sting operation in which he was made to believe he was working with members of al Qaeda, who were actually undercover agents." - The Hill
John Rossomando on The Republican: Hey Lady Gaga: What about the nerds? Are some bullying victims more equal than others?
2012 update:
10:15am VIDEO: Chris Christie's speech last night at the Reagan library
Ryan Streeter on The Republican: Why are Rick Santorum, Jon Huntsman and other unelectables running for President while Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels, and Paul Ryan are not?
The anger driving American politics
"Majorities of Democrats (65%) and Republicans (92%) are dissatisfied with the nation's governance. This perhaps reflects the shared political power arrangement in the nation's capital, with Democrats controlling the White House and U.S. Senate, and Republicans controlling the House of Representatives. Partisans on both sides can thus find fault with government without necessarily blaming their own party." - Gallup
Paul Ryan's big healthcare speech
"During a major speech today at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, Paul Ryan laid out his vision of health care reform, saying, “Choice and competition are critical to controlling costs…[and] improving quality….And yet, across the federal landscape, choice and competition are undermined by poorly designed programs and tax policies.” In other words, to fix our health care system, we need to undo the problems the government has created, rather than further empowering the government." - Weekly Standard
HotAir probably summarizes the situation best: "Christie basically says he’s not running — but won’t say definitively".
...At NRO Rich Lowry imagines what kind of candidate Christie would be: "Every presidential candidate needs a narrative. Christie’s is that he’s the truth-teller who cares above all about getting things done: “When there is a problem, you fix it.” He’d be “honest and tough,” as he described his approach to the debt, in working to renew America in keeping with its finest traditions. From this speech you’d conclude that if he runs he’s going to be less timid than Romney but less rigid than Perry."
...While USA Today focuses on the meat of Christie's speech at the Reagan presidential library: "The Republican governor warned that the nation's credibility abroad was being damaged by troubles at home. He charged that an indecisive White House has deepened the nation's economic pain, and he accused President Obama of preparing to divide the country to win re-election next year."
After difficult two weeks Perry's campaign confirm they've raised more than $10 million - WSJ
The Washington Post reports on how Perry is attempting to reassure supporters. The Texas Governor has held a conference call with thousands of activists in early voting states, will speak to donors and has launched videos attacking Romney's flip flops.
2012 GOP race in brief:
Mitch Daniels' message to all GOP candidates...
"Daniels' message, based on his new book, "Keeping the Republic," was important, one that every presidential candidate should heed -- because it was about a looming issue that Barack Obama has so far decided to duck but that one of them, if he is elected, may have to confront. We face, Daniels said, "a survival-level threat to the America we have known."" - Michael Barone in the Washington Examiner
Blue Dog Democrats are already an endangered species but redistricting poses new threat to them - Roll Call
Bill Clinton's criticisms of Obama's economic policies reignite speculation about Hillary Clinton running - Fox
Nothing is more crucial to the president’s reelection strategy than a super-strong showing among black voters...
...argues Dick Morris in Roll Call BUT: "According to a Washington Post/ABC News survey, his favorability rating among African-Americans has dropped off a cliff, plunging from 83 percent five months ago to a mere 58 percent today — a drop of 25 points, a bit more than a point per week!"
The President also has big problems with that other voting group that supported him in large numbers in 2008... Young Americans...
"In June of this year, a poll of young Americans found an astounding 44 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds disapprove of how Obama has handled youth unemployment, while only 31 percent approve. That discontent is potentially devastating to Democrats." - Fox
The deficit supercommittee is meeting in secret as John Kerry tells reporters: "I don't want to discuss what we discussed" - Politico
"House Republicans have begun an investigation into Planned Parenthood’s use of federal funds, questioning whether the national network of abortion providers has proper checks in place to prevent violations of federal law." - Washington Times
America's future job growth lies In traditional energy industries not in green jobs - Forbes
The myth of judicial acivism: The Supreme Court struck down less than 1% of the federal laws passed over a 50-year period
"America needs instead is a properly engaged judiciary that understands the importance of constitutionally limited government and refuses to be cowed by empirically baseless accusations of judicial activism." - Clark Neily in the Wall Street Journal
Should food stamps be usable at fast food restaurants? - New York Times
At the United Nations, Canada proves - yet again - that under Stephen Harper it is a staunch ally of Israel - FrumForum
John Rossomando on The Republican: Transform unemployment from a handout to a hand up
Video: Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore endorses John Huntsman
Health care update:
All eyes on N.J. Gov. Chris Christie amid speculation he might get into the race:
Ryan Streeter on The Republican: Where have the Republican reformers gone? Conservative voters haven't gotten the message about tax and entitlement reform - because candidates and politicians are too timid to talk about them
"The new plan — which won prompt Senate approval on a series of floor votes — relies on enacting a short-term spending bill to keep agencies funded into early next week and having both parties put aside their differences on 2011 disaster funds since the fiscal year is almost over in any case. The compromise rests on new estimates from the Federal Emergency Management Agency that it hopes to make it through this week without additional emergency funds. The House last week approved a $1 billion disaster aid package for 2011, including $774 million for FEMA, but insisted on $1.6 billion in spending offsets taken entirely from energy-related programs important to Democrats." - Politico
Perry moves to reassure Republicans in Iowa, South Carolina
"As he faces growing scrutiny about his conservative credentials, Texas Gov. Rick Perry called grassroots activists in the key early states of Iowa and South Carolina on Monday evening to address his record and take questions. ... The candidate immediately set about defending his record on three issues that have come to define his campaign in recent weeks: immigration, Social Security, and his 2007 executive order mandating that school girls be vaccinated against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV), which can cause cervical cancer." - CNN
"Reeling from dismal showings in back-to-back straw polls over the weekend, GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry came out with guns blazing on Monday, accusing rival Mitt Romney of 'an integrity problem' in a statement and video." - National Journal
Other GOP 2012 news:
GOP Young Guns blast regulations at Facebook event
"Three top Republican lawmakers used an appearance at the social media giant Facebook on Monday to push for eliminating regulations that hinder the private sector. Republicans’ push to cut federal spending and regulations is part of their effort to create “a future that holds a space for a lot more Facebooks,” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia said Monday in an interview held at the company’s Palo Alto, Calif., headquarters." - WSJ
White House won't seek to delay High Court healthcare review
"The Obama administration opened the door Monday for the Supreme Court to decide the constitutionally of the healthcare law before the next election. It opted not to seek a delay in the legal process, leaving little doubt that the court will rule on President Obama’s controversial legislation just months before he faces voters." - The Hill
Sen. Roy Blunt eyeing Senate leadership run
"Blunt has played a key, bridge-building role in advancing stalled trade agreements and securing funding for disaster aid. And he has dipped his toe back in the leadership waters, publicly mulling a campaign for vice chairman of the Senate Republican Conference." - Washington Post
Obama is still fundraising in California
"President Barack Obama spent part of Monday hobnobbing with celebrities and other power-brokers in Southern California, continuing a West Coast trip that includes town-hall events, a meeting with Marines and fund-raisers for his re-election campaign." - CNN
How the electoral math is stacked in Obama's favor
"There are 18 states plus the District of Columbia that have voted Democratic in all five presidential elections since 1992. Combined, they carry 242 electoral votes—90% of the votes needed for victory. Republicans have a much smaller bloc of highly reliable electoral college votes. There are just 13 states that have gone red in each of the last five elections, and they deliver 102 electoral votes, less than half of the number needed." - WSJ ($)
Other Obama 2012 news:
David Brooks: GOP and Democrat economic policies won't fix the mess, institutional reform will
"Try to reform whole institutions and hope that by getting the long-term fundamentals right you’ll set off a positive cascade to reverse the negative ones. Simplify the tax code. End corporate taxes and create a consumption tax. Reshape the European Union to make it either more unified or less, but not halfway as it is now. Reduce the barriers to business formation. Reform Medicare so it is fiscally sustainable. Break up the banks and increase capital requirements. Lighten debt burdens even if it means hitting the institutional creditors." - David Brooks in the New York Times
Dana Milbank: The Republican roots of Solyndra
"What McConnell neglected to mention is that Solyndra was cleared to participate in this loan-guarantee program by President George W. Bush’s administration. He also did not mention that the legislation creating the loan-guarantee program, approved by the Republican-controlled Congress in 2005, received yes votes from — wait for it — DeMint, Hatch and McConnell." - Dana Milbank in the Washington Post
Video: Allen West calls for the Palestinians to recognize Israel as a Jewish state
The Florida straw poll fallout continues:
"Of all the punches thrown at Gov. Rick Perry during last week's Republican presidential debate in Florida, few landed harder than questions about Perry's support for a Texas bill allowing illegal immigrants to pay in-state college tuition. ... The political damage became clear Saturday, when Perry finished a distant second to businessman Herman Cain in a presidential straw poll conducted at the gathering." - CNN
"Texas Gov. Rick Perry had back surgery on July 1. Saturday night David Carney (Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s chief campaign strategist and long-time advisor) ... denied that Perry is now experiencing any back pain or is on any medication. 'He is not in any pain — why would he need pain medicine? No he is not taking pain medicine,' he emailed me. I asked if he was tired during the debates. He answered, 'Not that I know of.'" - Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post
Three reasons why Chris Christie should run for president - and three reasons why he should not - Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post
Other GOP 2012 news:
After no spending progress over the weekend, government shutdown looms
"Despite promises to work together following a public backlash against the bickering that consumed much of the summer, Republicans and Democrats face the reality that disaster aid could run out Tuesday and the government could partially shut down beginning this weekend unless they strike a deal quickly." - WSJ
"The Democratic-led Senate, which on Friday blocked a GOP House measure to fund the government through Nov. 18, will vote late Monday on its own version of the bill. The Senate bill includes dollars for disaster relief without an offsetting spending cut elsewhere that the House GOP demands." - Washington Post
GOP's "Young Guns" head to Facebook
"Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg is holding an online “Facebook Live” conversation with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.). On Monday, the three leaders will be at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif., where they’ll take questions in front of an audience of about 100 Facebook employees and guests" - Politico
As the deficit reduction supercommittee "digs in", expectations for spending cuts get even lower
"Few in Washington see a politically realistic way for the 12 members of the joint House-Senate deficit committee, six from each party, to meet their mandate to identify at least $1.2 trillion in deficit reductions over 10 years. People in both parties worry that the panel, which plans to meet privately this week, could fall far short of that goal or deadlock altogether, with potentially damaging economic consequences." - New York Times
GOP to sink its teeth deeper into Solyndra and White House
"Unlike other GOP-led probes of the White House that quickly faded away, Republicans are vowing to intensify their investigation into the California-based Solyndra. Republicans have seized the moment, launching investigations, leaking damaging emails from the White House and blasting the administration on television and the radio. And it’s not over yet. Not even close." - The Hill
Sen. Susan Collins: The economy needs a regulation time-out
"American businesses need pro-growth economic policies that will end the uncertainty and kick-start hiring and investment. American workers need policies that will get them off the sidelines and back on the job. In sports, time-outs are called to give athletes a chance to catch their breaths and make better decisions about the next play. American workers and businesses are the athletes in a global competition that we must win. They need a time-out from excessive regulation so that America can get back to work." - Sen. Susan Collins in the WSJ
Sen. Lindsey Graham doesn't rule out military action against Pakistan
"Arguing that Pakistan has made a 'tremendous miscalculation' in allowing the Haqqanis to operate without consequence, Graham said the U.S. won't make the same mistake with Pakistan. 'The sovereign nation of Pakistan is engaging in hostile acts against the United States and our ally Afghanistan that must cease. I will leave it up to the experts, but if the experts believe that we need to elevate our response, they will have a lot of bipartisan support on Capitol Hill,' the South Carolina senator told 'Fox News Sunday.'" - Fox
Obama is away in California, fundraising
"President Barack Obama will spend part of Monday hobnobbing with celebrities and other power-brokers in Los Angeles ... Then, Obama will head to the Fig and Olive, a restaurant on Los Angeles' trendy Melrose Place, for a private fundraiser co-hosted by investment manager John Emerson, consultant Andy Spahn, Hollywood producer Jeffrey Katzenberg and Tennis Channel CEO Ken Solomon, a Democrat with knowledge of the event told CNN. The campaign official said the cost to attend is $17,900 per person." - CNN
Other Obama 2012 news:
Newslinks for Friday April 27: Boehner emerges as Romney's chief ally on Capitol Hill
Apr 27, 2012 7:01:37 AM | Comments (0)Newslinks for Thursday April 26: Romney urged to set out positive vision
Apr 26, 2012 6:47:57 AM | Comments (0)Newslinks for Wednesday April 25: Romney kicks off general election campaign
Apr 25, 2012 6:46:54 AM | Comments (0)Newslinks for Tuesday April 24: Romney and Rubio campaign together in sign of things to come?
Apr 24, 2012 6:41:46 AM | Comments (0)Newslinks for Monday April 23: Romney's healthcare plan may be more revolutionary than Obama's
Apr 23, 2012 7:00:16 AM | Comments (0)Newslinks for Friday April 20: Only 24% (RECORD LOW) think USA is on right track
Apr 20, 2012 6:54:24 AM | Comments (0)Newslinks for Thursday April 19: Romney keeps polling level with Obama, despite class war attacks
Apr 19, 2012 6:59:01 AM | Comments (0)Newslinks for Wednesday April 18: More evidence that Republicans are rallying to Romney
Apr 18, 2012 6:43:56 AM | Comments (0) Apr 17, 2012 7:01:18 AM | Comments (0)