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Newslinks for Wednesday August 17, 2011

Posted on 08/17/2011

5:00pm The Republican: Forget speeches, we need solutions 

4:30pm Video: Trump's take on Perry's presidential bid: He's an impressive guy with a good record, I think he'll do very well

Screen shot 2011-08-17 at 20.37.41 3:15pm The Republican: The American identity, social media style

3:00pm Video: Karl Rove slams President Obama's latest attack tactics: Here's a guy who's been calling the Republicans people who don't love their country - please, Mr. President, don't be lecturing us on this, your rhetoric's intemperate

2:30pm Rep Ted Poe: When your team is in trouble, you look to the coach for leadership. Under this administration, crisis is quickly becoming the status quo - this team wants a new coach

11:30am The Republican: Four days into his campaign Perry already holds a double-digit lead over Romney, Bachmann

10:45am John Boehner and Eric Cantor: Time and again, we have reached out to President Obama in the hope that he would finally be ready to do what is needed to solve our debt crisis and tackle America's job crisis. The offer still stands. Let's get to work.

10:30am Video:

Screen shot 2011-08-16 at 10.08.21 PM The Republican: Messin' with Texas: The more critics try to assail Rick Perry's economic record, the better Perry looks


Karl Rove suggests Chris Christie and Paul Ryan may yet enter 2012 race - Politico

Ryan"Paul Ryan is the most consequential House Republican since Jack Kemp in the late 1970s... Ryan wants to have an adult conversation with America about the looming insolvency of the welfare state, and he has a serious plan to fix it... Ryan is not simply fearless about the issues, he also gets the larger picture, and can talk about the larger picture in a way that Kemp often fell short." - PowerLine

"The Weekly Standard, citing an unnamed Wisconsin Republican, reports that Ryan is "open" to running because "he is determined to have the 2012 election be about big things." Another unnamed source close to Ryan says in the conservative magazine's blog that the congressman is "coming around."" - USA Today

Will "Texas tough talk" prove an asset or liability in Mr. Perry's presidential quest? - WSJ

  • E J Dionne in the Washington Post is sure "treasonous" talk will hurt Perry.

Tea Party Some Tea Party groups in Texas object to what they see as Perry flip flops on immigration and stimulus funds - Roll Call

"One of the biggest objections Tea Party groups have with Perry is his support for the Trans-Texas Corridor — a plan that would have created more than 4,000 miles of superhighways, rails and utility lines, cost more than $100billion and required the taking of private property through eminent domain. The proposal was eliminated by the state Legislature this year. Even more upsetting to some was his decision to sign an executive order in 2007 requiring all sixth-graders in the state to get vaccinated against HPV, or human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted disease." - USA Today

“Why Rick Perry Will Make America Miss George W. Bush” is one of two Perry books in the pipeline - New York Times

Get ready for Perry hatred says Rich Lowry in NRO: "Perry is a great partisan of Texas and has mused about its leaving the union. He’s an evangelical Christian who unembarrassedly prays in public and for his state. He’s a tea partier who extols the Constitution and seeks a drastically limited federal government. He’s a law-and-order conservative in a state that still executes people." It’d be almost impossible to come up with a background and cluster of affiliations so provocative."

Perry Rick Perry's economic record comes under examination

  • Texas Economy Growing Long Before Gov. Rick Perry - NPR
  • "If we're talking strictly about job creation, Mr Perry has a good pitch. He deserves partial credit for Texas's job growth, just as he deserves partial blame for the state's stagnation on other metrics." - Economist
  • Gary Johnson and Jon Huntsman also have strong job creation credentials - Daily Caller

Mark Hemingway remembers how Rick Perry summarized his governing philosophy

""Government isn't difficult in theory," Texas Republican Gov. Rick Perry told National Review in 2009. "Don't spend all the money, keep taxes low, have a fair and predictable regulatory climate, keep frivolous lawsuits to a minimum, and fund an accountable education system so that you have a skilled work force available. Then get the hell out of the way and let the private sector do what the private sector does best."" - Quoted in the Weekly Standard

Screen shot 2011-08-17 at 08.49.55 Ron Paul complains that TV networks are ignoring him, despite the popularity of his campaign - The Hill

"Despite putting in a strong second place showing in the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa on Saturday and polling consistently well in polls of voters nationally or in caucus and primary states, the 74-year old Libertarian was mostly ignored. Tim Pawlenty, the former Minnesota governor, got much more attention for dropping out of the race than Paul did for nearly winning... The leading reason has to be because most journalists accept the conventional wisdom that Paul can't get Republican nomination." - NPR

  • Paul Paul talks to Piers Morgan - CNN

2012-RACE Other 2012:

  • Romney ignores Perry; keeping his focus on Obama - New York Times
  • Romney on Perry quoted by MSNBC: "Gov. Perry and I are going to have plenty of opportunities to contrast our experience and our vision for the nation when we have our debates," Romney said. "There's going to be a lot of those. My guess is 10 or 15 before this is over. But, at this stage, all I've got to say about Gov. Perry is he's a fine guy, a fine governor, respect him. I look forward to seeing him on the trail and at the debates."
  • "Romney’s problem isn’t that his current positions aren’t sufficiently right-wing. It’s that conservatives don’t trust those positions, and don’t trust him." - Ross Douthat

OBAMA BLUE TIE Obama defends the role of government from the GOP

"“Well, government and politics are two different things. Government is our troops who are fighting on our behalf in Afghanistan and Iraq. That’s government.  Government are also those FEMA folks when there’s a flood or a drought or some emergency who come out and are helping people out. That’s government.  Government is Social Security.”" - WSJ

Critics call on Obama to cancel his Martha’s Vineyard vacation - Washington Post

"Some argue that the president is always in touch, whether in Washington or in the Vineyard. Yeah? Ever call your boss during his vacation? You're not assured of a warm reception." - Dick Morris in USA Today

Together We Can Beat the Deficit - Patty Murray, Max Baucus and John Kerry in the WSJ

Two Wisconsin Democrats keep their Senate seats in recall elections - Fox

And finally... Elle magazine highlights conservative women - HotAir



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