Bill Beach and Dustin Siggins have been working for awhile to wake people up to the reality of life for the Debt Paying Generation - the rising group of young workers who will spend most of working lives contributing a greater share of their taxes to paying off debt than any previous generation.
They have a McClatchey op-ed today worth reading in full.
A few snippets:
The CBO said the initial phase of the Boehner compromise would take the debt per worker in 2021 from about $161,631 to about $156,324 - clearly, laughably inadequate.
The longer that Americans bury their collective heads in the sand, the more extreme solutions will have to be.
When it really comes down to it, the budget debate can be reduced to the following points:
1. Reform our immoral and inefficient tax code, perhaps by replacing it with a flat expenditure tax, such as Heritage proposed.
2. Cut spending.
3. Shrink the size of government employee rolls...More than 30 million people are employed by tax dollars (that's one tenth the U.S. population)