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Despite the fact that nearly 1500 civilians have been killed in Syria and another 10,500 have fled, the Obama administration has remained conspicuously silent about the ongoing atrocities committed by the Assad government.
But while the White House continues to avoid the issue, at times even playing to the regime's propaganda, a growing number of foreign policy experts are urging immediate action.
As the security crackdown in Syria continues, here's a look at Grenell's suggestions:
- Order US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford home immediately, and shut down the Embassy.
- Publicly call upon Assad to resign and ask other countries to do the same
- Call upon the Europeans and others to pull their Ambassadors from Damascus too.
- Restrict the movement of the Syrian Ambassador to Washington and the Syrian Ambassador to the UN to a small radius around their offices.
- Ask European capitals to restrict the movement of Syrian Ambassadors in their countries too.
- Force the UN resolution on Syria to a vote and dare the Russians to veto it.
- Move USAid employees into southern Turkey to care for the Syrian refugees arriving daily.
- Schedule an Al Jazeera TV interview with President Obama to explain our actions and why Assad must go.
- Demand the IAEA inspect Al Kibar and offer an immediate UN resolution authorizing it.
Grenell's original op-ed is available to read here.
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