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January 4, 2011


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Reihan Salam

Very interesting interview. I am particularly concerned, however, about the future of the coalitions Yuval identifies. The right-of-center coalition is older. Crudely speaking, it represents the private sector economy, and in particular the tradable private sector economy, i.e., the sector that is exposed to the most vigorous competition. While the tradable sector makes an outsized contribution to output, it has generated far less employment growth. Instead, gains to the top have been translated through steeply progressive taxes into rapid growth in the public sector workforce, particularly at the state and local level, and in health workers, for whom direct and indirect tax dollars represent a big share of income. This alone bodes ill politically. And in a more affluent society, identity-based or expressive voting plays a bigger role. In a climate of extremely high unemployment, African Americans are not politically up for grabs. Latinos are more heterogeneous, but Mexican-origin voters who aren't Protestant evangelicals seem increasingly out of reach. Unmarried young adults living in big metropolitan areas are a growing and influential part of the population, and the right hasn't made significant inroads. This worries me, and I think that we on the right have a tendency towards clannishness that can make matters worse. Conservatives are not as practiced in the art of framing policy priorities in neutral, sympathetic language, and the incentives seem to be geared towards framing issues in the most polarizing language possible.

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